Bitesized Animation Events & Socials
Next Event
Coming Soon!
Animation, motion graphics, video & other creative folk, take a break from the keyframes & join us at our next event, which is yet to be announced... but is currently being planned...
Hope to see you there (whenever it is).
Animation Challenge
We'll have another animation challenge as well, we just don't know what it is yet...
Animation challenge! The theme is "TBC".
Any style or technique, 2D, 3D, hand drawn, stop motion, sock puppets, knock yourself out, go bonkers. No hard & fast rules on duration but somewhere around or below 20 seconds is good (no three hour epics please). Any ratio but keep height to at least 1080px.
Please have your entry with us by midday on TBC so we can get them ready to show at the TBC Event.
Send entries to hello@animorsels.co.uk preferably as a password protected / private Vimeo link (remember to enable downloads) or via WeTransfer / Dropbox / Google Drive etc. Please don't send us any video files as email attachments as it will make smoke come out of our computers, someone always does so repeat PLEEAASSEE DO NOT SEND US VIDEO ATTACHMENTS VIA EMAIL.
Don't forget to include your full name & Instagram handle so we can give you a credit!​
Some more boring rules...​
Submissions from human beings only please, no logos or advertisements.
Any ratio but please stick to at least 1080 pixels height.
No unauthorised use of copyrighted material! If we're not sure about any music, images, footage etc. we'll ask for proof of ownership or that it's in the public domain etc. Nobody wants to get sued.
Please don't upload animations to any social media channels until after the event, don't want to ruin the surprise!
Closing date for submissions - TBC.

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About Us
At Animorsels we run animation evenings, events and socials, bringing together the local animation community to watch animation, make animation, learn new techniques, chat, drink, catch up, meet new people and generally have a bit of fun.
We alternate our main animation evenings which feature a guest speaker and selection of short films alongside our socials which are more of a general get together. At each event we run our short animation challenge, microMorsels, each with a different theme, which we screen just after the short films. We’ve had some great entries at past events!
Animorsels is run by Bottletop, a Nottingham animation studio, with support from RTS Midlands & Antenna. Past events have also had sponsorship from the lovely folk at Juno and Patchworks with regular support for our socials from Das Kino and Penny Lane.
If you haven’t been along to Animorsels yet then pop along to our next event, we’d love to have you there!